Naturopathic Psychiatry
Holistic, mind-body-spirit treatment of mood disorders, depression, trauma, and addiction.

Inner Gate Medicine process starts with a comprehensive initial consultation that takes place over 2 ¼ hours. During this time a complete medical and psychiatric history will be taken with an emphasis on understanding the individual’s unique mind–body narrative. Clinical examination is coupled with comprehensive lab work. This is tailored to the individual and may include blood, saliva, urine, stool analysis, or genetic evaluation, as indicated.
An individualized treatment plan is developed to address the root causes of dis-ease. As the careful gardener gives attention to the complexity of soil & terrain, rather than a simple focus on ‘weeds’ alone, naturopathic medicine seeks to restore & enrich the entire ecology. Nutritional & energetic depletions, digestive & gut integrity, hormonal & endocrine shifts, immune dysregulation, and toxic influences, all need to be attended to. This is an exploration of the ‘upstream’ dysfunction (genetic, biochemical, psychological, lifestyle) that may ripple down, resulting in ill health. Therapies may involve nutritional supplementation with nutrients, amino acids, antioxidants, botanical medicines, hormonal support, or novel use of conventional prescriptions. Therapeutic dietary change can also be a key restorative intervention. While neurotransmitters play a role in mood disorders, depression, for example, is not an SSRI deficiency, and treatment is always geared toward correcting the underlying imbalance. When conventional pharmaceuticals are part of the treatment plan, they are prescribed in the context of addressing the whole person, Body, Mind & Spirit. This requires attending to the core foundations of health: Nutrition, Sleep, Movement, Relationships, and Stress Management.

Inner Gate Medicine:
A Restorative Approach To Whole Person Health
David Bove, ND, LAc
Inner Gate Medicine
1639 East 19 th Avenue
Eugene, OR 97403
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