Dry Needling Trigger Point Release & Acupuncture
Effective therapy for pain, recovery, and stress-related illness.

Acupuncture involves the placement of very delicate, monofilament needles in strategically selected areas. Acupuncture works on the internal energetic dynamics of the body, activating the body’s own innate healing response. The placement of needles communicates to the body to guide resources in a particular direction, boosting what is deficient, or removing what is excess. Restoring balance to the internal dynamics is essential to experiencing better health. Acupuncture is very useful as well in treatment pain. In terms of sports recovery, acupuncture can not only be used for pain relief after injury, but also can help with routine recovery, such as in delayed onset muscle soreness.
Dry needling is an orthopedic or sports medicine technique that utilizes acupuncture needles. It is an intervention to treat various neuromusculoskeletal conditions and is variously referred to as ‘intramuscular manual therapy’ or ‘trigger point dry needling’. The release of myofascial trigger points can reduce pain, decrease spasticity and promote recovery from injury. While pain is the most common indication for dry needling treatment, it may also improve muscular strength and power, and increase flexibility.

Inner Gate Medicine:
A Restorative Approach To Whole Person Health
David Bove, ND, LAc
Inner Gate Medicine
1639 East 19 th Avenue
Eugene, OR 97403
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